Program every week
12pm to 7pm
6pm to 8pm
6:30pm to 8pm
10am to 12pm
We are a people on a growth journey of faith and leadership. By God's grace we are experiencing
God's love through Jesus Christ and the community of believers. We are discovering in this
experience our freedom to become new creatures and our responsibility to be faithful stewards of
our lives and of this world.
We sustain a critical examination of Scripture, belief and ritual as interpreters of God's active
presence in the world. We accept controversy as a reality of life together and an opportunity for
growth toward maturity. We are covenanted to be a community of God's new creation and affirm that
we are available to be used by God in fellowship, discipleship and leadership.
We are covenanted together to nurture this church as a community of faith and as an instrument for
reconciliation, restoration and transformation in the world: by fellowship, discipleship, worship,
Christian education, the dedication of our personal and material resources, and by all the other ways
we express the significance of our lives with God and one another.
We are covenanted together to be priests celebrating God's presence in community and in the world,
believing we are participants in God's kingdom on earth.
1. Intentional Fellowship with God and other believers (LOVE)
2. Intentional Worship at a church service and in daily life (FEAR OF GOD)
3. Intentional Discipleship and Leadership (LEADERSHIP)
4. Intentional Growth and life-long Learning (GROWTH)
5. Intentional Influence and Impact. (INFLUENCE)
Restore Me Church saw its birth in the house of the visionary Reverend Christian Nkongolo
where prayer meetings were held during the week and eventually, full Sunday services before the
church was moved to the premises that it currently operates from.
The first Sunday service was held on Sunday 1 st January 2012.
During the 8 years of the church’s existence, the church has fulfilled the following by God’s grace:
1. Salvation
2. Discipleship / Training
3. Baptism
4. Home Cells:
5. The investment in equipment:
2 stage monitors,
2 loud speakers,
2 sound booth speakers
1 bass guitar and its combo amp
1 amplifier
1 office printer
1 Laser thermometer
1 water dispenser
6. The purchase of church furniture:
100 banquet chairs
2 Fans
Restore Me Church cultivates lifelong spiritual growth opportunities that serve people throughout
their lives, including adults, children and youth. We are a people on a journey of faith and growth.
Not everyone starts the spiritual journey at the same place or in the same way. Our rich and varied
learning pathways are designed to nourish people in body, mind and spirit, so that every person can
be communally trained, formed, theologically informed and spiritually transformed.
Sunday classes and other gatherings through the week are age-graded as well as intergenerational.
Preschool and elementary children are present for a portion of the worship service before moving to
classrooms and a playground for age appropriate activities.
The Sunday school program for elementary age children, God’s Garden, teaches traditional Bible
lessons in rotations through classes focused on art, drama, film, cooking, games and technology.
The Youth Group meets for Sunday evening fellowship. The Youth Group goes on several retreats
throughout the year for fellowship, mission work and Youth Choir.
“Home Cells” is the name for small group experiences designed to help adults connect with God
and one another. Connections from small group ministries offer a wealth of interesting topics and
activities that serve to deepen members’ spiritual experience and build fellowship. Group topics and
activities are developed and run by laypeople for six weeks after which a new topic is introduced.
Outreach is an essential and natural part of the tapestry of ministry at Restore Me Church. As a
community, we are drawn to service and to live out our commission, to be the hands and feet of
God. Recognizing the importance of both giving and receiving, we pour back into our community the
gifts we have received.
Our vision is to provide opportunities for every member to become involved in outreach. Restore Me
Church (RMC) and its members support and/or serve through many programs and external
agencies. We host several intergenerational outreach activities to encourage fellowship inside and
outside the congregation.
Shelter, Homelessness, Affordable Housing, and Supportive Housing Outreach Partnerships – Support a shelter or home for elders.
Hunger Outreach Partnerships – School feeding schemes, feed a child, Feed a brother/sister
Educational Outreach Partnerships – Sponsor a child, a brother/sister’s education
Health and Wellness Outreach Partnerships – Sponsor toiletries, hygiene supplies, Fitness Day Programs
Community & Environment Investment – Crisis assistance, Green is Godly
Restore Me Church is affiliated with no religious organizations but works in collaboration with many
local churches.
Our new structure better reflects our nature as a spiritual organization rather than a business
organization. Some of the goals of the changes is to encourage member involvement, provide
transparency, have our leaders focus on strategic instead of operational issues, and create a
stronger link among the various ministries and the Board of leaders.
Major functions of the church are now implemented by the following ministries, which are chaired
and populated primarily by lay leaders:
Ushering / Protocols
Hospitality & Congregation Care
Financial Management
Praise & Worship
Outreach & Community Care
Facilities Management
Children Ministry
Youth Ministry
Women Ministry
Men Ministry
Keep yourself updated with the latest from our team at Restore Me Church